Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cowboy Cakes - A Country Breakfast Dream

CowBoy Cakes
Prep and cook time 20 Minutes - Calories Infinite! 

Alright, So this delicious breakfast is yummy fun and really adorable to eat!  
1 pound Bacon
2 table Spoons Butter or EVOO
6 Slices of Wheat Bread
12 Small Eggs - Check the Carton
Black- Pepper and other Seasons - Optional
Shredded Cheddar or American - Optional
Salsa Or Country Gravy

In a 12 Inch Frying Pan on near High Heat- Cook the bacon till it starts to  ribbon slightly and  has crispy edges but is till malleable. Drain the greese ( never in a sink) and let cool for a minute

With  a smaller cookie cutter or in my case a white wine glass cut out circles from the bread, You can usually get 2 out per slice as to reduce waste!

Then Grease your Pan with the butter or evoo and tuck the bread circles into their cowboy cake homes

Now, with a spoon or butter knife grab the Bacon and wrap it around the break to make it a ring around the bread, I put the ribbon side up to make it more cup like make sure that the ends touch if you can!

Then, if you so choose you can sprinkle a bread of cheese on them, Then with a bowl crack an egg at a time and then transfer the yolks and just a bit of the whites into your Cowboy Cakes

Dash on some Pepper - I also tossed on some oregano and sage on 'em too. I did not add salt because one its bad for you and two the bacon already has enough :) 

Bake at 420 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes - depending on how you like your eggs, however I recommend for this recipe for the eggs to be over hard.
During this time, now only are the eggs cooking but the bacon is contracting and hugging all the inside ingredients to make it a perfect bacon cupcake.

Remove from the oven and let cool for about 5 minutes. Then with a spoon or butter knife, I used and absinthe sugar spoon ; Remove the cakes slowly and transfer to a plate!
  Now all you have to do is enjoy. Topped Great by Salsa, Country Gravy or Ketchup!
Serve with a fruit or vegetable - i.e grapefruit, tomatoes, or orange slices. Enjoy!